Tagungshotel - Workshops and break out sessions

Cramerstraße 16, Zürich, Schweiz

0 Sterne Hotel, 0 Zimmer, 1 Tagungsräume

W.I.R.E. set itself the goal of aligning its offices in Zurich to its workflows. On this basis, five rooms have been completely revisited and redesigned. They range from knowledge-building in a British library and a golden cellar to generate ideas, through focused work in the “Factory”, a regeneration room with plants and birdsong, to the presentation of the results in the analogue “Display”, where we regularly present the results of our current research work. W.I.R.E. designs various formats for knowledge transfer and workplace design. Our rooms can be hired for workshops.

Übersicht der Tagungsräume
Name Personen je Stuhlformation
Workshops and break out sessions 90 10 10 10 10 15

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  • Mehr als 12.000 Tagungshotels weltweit

Die Lage des Tagungshotels

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